911 Caller Reports Seeing Brian Laundrie Near the North Carolina Border
This is some scary stuff. Recently a 911 caller reported seeing Brian Laundrie near the Tennessee/North Carolina border.
According to CBS17, a recent 911 caller in Haywood County said he spotted Brian Laundrie. The caller told officials he was 99% sure he spotted him near the North Carolina/Tennessee border.
The 911 called said Laundrie was in a white pickup truck. He said he saw him around 12:30 a.m. Sunday. This was in the area just off Interstate-40 near the border between North Carolina and Tennessee.
The caller added that he wasn’t initially sure what Laundrie looked like. He said he parked and pulled up a photograph of Laundrie. “I’m 99.99 percent sure that was him,” the caller said.
GALLERY: Search Continues For Brian Laundrie