Taking Dead Aim-A Golfer’s Parent’s View
High school golf season doesn’t begin until late February. Between now and then is fall tournament season for the junior golfer.
We are blessed in NC to have pretty much year-round golf and some of the finest courses in America play host-willingly-to grow the game.
The weekend the TYGA (Tar Heel Youth Golf Association) held their junior state championship at Colonial Country Club in Thomasviile (just outside Greensboro) and my son, Hogan participated.
Chances are if you’re a parent you’ve watched a soccer, basketball, football, baseball, etc. game. However, if you’ve ever wondered what the view is like to be a parent watching your child play golf…here ya go.
Reminder, if you love golf, you’ll love my “Taking Dead Aim” radio show/podcast each week. The show airs on 94.7 Smoke Saturday mornings at 8, and then is available as a podcast at 10. You can subscribe to “Taking Dead Aim” at Apple Podcasts, or listen/download here: