Jason Aldean And Bryan Adams Take Us To “Heaven”
This happens very rarely, but when it does…it never ceases to make me smile: that moment when your past and present converges in song.
I have distinct memory of the last year that my sister was home before she went to college and she was my mom’s designated taxi driver for sports practices or whatever. And when we were in the car, there was no one to tell us to turn down the radio-so it was all the way up!
One day on the way home from baseball practice the opening keystrokes of Bryan Adams’ “Heaven” came on. She reached for the volume knob, cranked it up, and said, “I LOVE this song.”
It orginally was on the soundtrack to a really forgettable movie called, “A Night In Heaven” (good luck trying to find it now). Beth (my sister) bought the soundtrack just to get the song. And if we hit rewind on that cassette once, we hit it 1000 times that spring.
I always loved that song.
This morning while searching for what to share with you today, a video of Bryan Adams performing this song with Jason Aldean from 5 years ago came up.
All of the sudden, for me, it was the spring of 1983, only those boy’s Bryan-Adams-listening-ears, are replaced with those of someone who now shares Jason Aldean’s music with you for a living
My past and present…all at once-in a song.