Taking Dead Aim-First And Latest
I have uncovered some gems over this holiday when it comes to pictures.
In fact, some I’d thought I’d lost forever, I found in random albums from YEARS ago on Facebook. Such is the case with these.
I found 4 pictures that I took on the very first REAL round of golf that my son and I played together. It was at Stonebridge Golf Club in Monroe. I have 4 frames: a tee shot, and iron shot, a putt, and one from lunch in the clubhouse afterward.
We went out to play with my father on Sunday (see Hogan and Dad above) and through the course of the round (and at lunch after), I took 4 more pics to “update” the first.
I hope you enjoy and maybe it will remind you of the wonderful times you’ve gotten to spend enjoying a hobby with your kids.
Merry Christmas.