Charlie And Debbie In Studio With Jon Langston
If I were to try to put a number on the total of interviews we’ve conducted in our career, I’m afraid I’d have to laugh. Let’s just say, A LOT!
Anyway, if you were to ask me what makes a good interview, I would tell you that a. the interviewer needs to be a good listener and be more concerned with conversation than questioning and b. the interviewee needs to be willing to just be a person and talk…be open and candid.
I can’t speak for the interviewer’s performance here (that’s for you to decide), but I can tell you that Jon Langston was everything you would want an artist to be and more.
We really enjoyed his visit with us a week ago (prior to his show at Coyote Joe’s), and if you didn’t hear it, here’s your chance to witness it first-hand as we did.