Rules To Live Life By From Those Who Know
Serendipity is defined as the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. Want an example? This picture above. I was scrolling through my photos early this morning and came across this from, gosh, 10 years ago? This is the oldest member of our family, and its youngest.
Currently, the lady in this photo (my “Nanny”) is 104 and living happily in a retirement community in Matthews. The boy, is our son-currently a freshman at Coastal Carolina University.
Now, what makes this serendipitous. No sooner did I see this photo than I came across this list. It is the result of a survey of 1000 retirees. The subject? “What Pearls of Wisdom Would You Like To Share With Younger Generations?”
Note: Everything you see in parentheses are my opinions.
1. Treat others how you’d like to be treated yourself
2. Manners don’t cost a thing (okay, how GONE are manners from society?)
3. Always try your best (I would like to add…DON’T QUIT!)
4. Accept a company pension plan if offered (this one made me laugh…pension? Really? In 2021?)
5. Don’t spend all your time on social media and live in the real world
6. Start saving for retirement in your twenties (SO IMPORTANT…and so ignored)
7. Don’t take anything for granted
8. You don’t have to go to college for a successful career (THIS is proving to be more and more on point)
9. Hold onto those closest to you
10. Be confident in your own skin
11. Respect your elders
12. Enjoy your youth
13. Never give up (I guess I spoke too soon on #3)
14. Do what makes you happy
15. Family comes first
16. Don’t waste your time on jealousy
17. Don’t compare yourself to others
18. Don’t go to sleep on an argument
19. Invest in a property
20. Phone your parents every week (MORE if you can. I miss being with my son like I never thought possible)
21. Say I love you more
22. Don’t have any regrets
23. Don’t sweat about the small stuff
24. Spend more time outside
25. Exercise more often
Pass this along to you kids. Plaster it on the door to their room. Tape it to their door room fridge.