Army Vet Wins Fight With Gator Using Trash Can
When I first saw this video yesterday, I was knocked out on a number of levels. First, this guy is either gutsy or crazy and second, if you’re trying to capture a gator using a trash can…and your “friends” are busier shooting video than telling you to get the hell outta there? Anyway, Abdul Gene Malik had to tango with an alligator on his property. And I guess a tough Army vet like this doesn’t feel the need to call professionals-not when there’s a flip lid trash can available.
How about the size of this gator? This was no baby. And my man wearing slides on his feet the whole time. This whole video is just stunning. The only question left to be answered is did he call animal control AFTER he got the beast trapped, or are the garbage men in for one heck of a surprise when the come for his can later this week?