Kenny Chesney’s New Single Speaks To So Many Women
We’ve known Kenny Chesney for his entire career. We first met when he was on “Capricorn Records” and his first single was “Tin Man” way back in 1993/94. It’s been awesome to see him go from “that little guy in the cowboy hat” to one of the biggest stars in the history of country music. And all these years later, his last single may be my favorite (and I LOVE his music). “Knowing You” registered on so many levels for me. Even now, after playing it 1000s of times on the radio, every time I hear it, the volume gets cranked, and I get lost in memories gone with the wind. So, when I heard that Kenny was releasing another single from “Hear and Now,” my first thought was, “Well, there’s no way I’m going to like it as much.” That’s the wrong choice of words. There’s no way I’M going to relate to it. “Everybody She Knows” is a great song, it’s just not about me. <g>
“Everybody She Knows” follows the story of a woman living on her own terms. According to Kenny, “She’s found a life that works for her, and it’s maybe not what her friends are doing, but it works for her. There’s this idea that you get married, settle down and your life is made; but the woman in ‘Everyone She Knows’ is still out there, living life on her own terms, chasing her dreams and trying to balance that with what people seem to expect.” Ladies, as much as “Knowing You” was a “guy” song, this one’s for you.