Myrtle Beach Biker Run Over And Trapped Under Car
Saturday afternoon a traffic camera affixed at Ocean Boulevard and 8th Avenue North in Myrtle Beach caught a scary rear-end collision that could have been tragic. A car ran up into a motorcycle carrying two passengers. The rider on the rear of the bike is thrown clear (over the top, actually), but the man driving the motorcycle, well, it’s pretty harrowing. Some people may find this video disturbing.
Luckily, it was in the middle of the day at Myrtle Beach with plenty of onlookers who immediately thrust into action trying to get the car off of the fallen motorcyclist. According to Lt. Michael Quinn of the Myrtle Beach Police Department, “I was horrified inside because I didn’t know what we were gonna see.” Here’s the good news. Both the rider and passenger of the motorcycle were treated at the hospital and are expected to be OK. As for the driver of the car, one Johnny Taylor Jr., he was arrested and charged with having an open container of alcohol and following too closely.