New Eiffel Tower Lego Set Has More Than 10,000 Pieces
The new Eiffel Tower Lego Set has me of two thoughts. First, my mind cannot erase the pain of seemingly countless encounters between the bare bottoms of my feet and stray Lego bricks in the carpet. I saw you wince. Any parent who has had a Lego lover in their house knows exactly what I’m talking about. My second thought is really a pleasant memory. My son LOVES Legos. He’s twenty-one and to this day when he comes home, it’s not unusual to walk in his room and see him building something. However, he’s different from most Lego enthusiasts I hear and read about. Sure, Hogan loves the sets. And he collected many Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Batman sets. However, what he loves to do is take a set, say “The Batmobile” (Batman’s car for the uninitiated), and then use bricks and accessory pieces from all his other sets to “improve” upon the original. And the other thing is that he doesn’t have a plan. It’s all in his head. His process is really cool to watch, when he lets us watch, which is never. He loves to show us the finished product, but NEVER progress. Anyway, I digress. Back to the Eiffel Tower Lego Set.
If you’re patient enough and are looking for to be challenged, then this set is the ticket. One thing that makes the Eiffel Tower Set cook is the size. At nearly five feet tall, it’s the tallest build the company has ever released. Oh, and this is no surprise when you hear that it has more than 10,000 pieces. So, this is not the starter set for you five-year-old. Then again, I don’t recommend buying this for any child still in your home. There’s no telling what 10,000 pieces can do to bare feet. <g>