Bojangles First Ever Restaurant Reopens In West Charlotte
This week marked a special day for the fast food industry in the area. According to Channel 9 in Charlotte, the first Bojangles-branded restaurant reopened nearly 50 years after it opened its doors at its West Boulevard location.
We work close to the location on 300 West Boulevard and have watched them update the store over the past few months. David Maisel is a former employee and he tells Channel 9 about Charlotte growth, “All the tall buildings started going up. Everybody was competing on who could build the largest skyscrapers,”. Through it all, the Bojangles on West Boulevard persevered. Even when Hurricane Hugo came through in 1989, Bojangles was one of the few places to eat that did not have to shut down. Maisel says with pride to Channel 9, “We saw everybody after they got finished having a good time. (uptown) We were here working, waiting for them,” he remembered.
In 1977 when the West Boulevard Bojangles was brand new they didn’t have modern conveniences like now. For instance right now, an Artificial Intelligence voice will take your order at the drive through. They call her “BoLinda”. To learn more get details from our source, Channel 9 right here.