Waffle House Punishment For Fantasy Football Loss
Not long after Hogan was born, I quit playing Fantasy Football. Not that I didn’t love it-I did. I just didn’t have the time between job, new baby, and trying to keep “She Who Must Be Obeyed” happy. 😉
The two things I miss(ed) most are:
- The annual draft trip and golf tournament weekend-the winner of the league got to pick where we did the draft and it gave me the chance to see all my college buddies
- The trash talking and hilarity of the consequence for losing the league
It’s this second thing I want to focus on now. In our league, the consequence for losing usually involved public cross-dressing for an extended period of time with video evidence to its fulfillment.
This punishment for Fantasy Futility? I’m a HUGE fan.
Cyrus Wittig, of Arkadelphia, Arkansas, had to take part in “The Waffle House Challenge” for his failure during the season.
For my fantasy football punishment, I will be attempting the Waffle House challenge.
— Cyrus Wittig (@CyWittig) January 5, 2020
I must stay in a Waffle House for 24 hours. For every waffle I eat, an hour is subtracted from my sentence. Please join me on this journey.
Here are some of the funnier posts
-It is 4 PM. I arrived at Waffle House at 9 AM. My whole body hurts. My efforts are futile.
-I am honestly scared of what another waffle will do to my body. Only one way to find out…. ORDER UP!
-2 screaming children is not what the doctor ordered
-My stomach is still expanding and I don’t anticipate sleeping for a while, so I think I’ll do what any sane human would, and watch all the fight scenes from Lord of The Rings Two Towers
Too funny.