Missing Pet Returns Home, Rings Doorbell
Your reaction to this headline HAS to be the same as ours. “This cannot be a real thing.” Five years ago, we all would have said this and never believed it regardless of the character of the person claiming its veracity. However, now? There is Ring video that is undisputable. I’d be willing to bet that just about everyone who has ever owned a pet has had that nightmare moment when “Fluffy” got out and is missing. Most of the time, the pet is found, and all is good. Sometimes, not. And then, there are moments like this.
Stefanie Whitley and her family had just moved into a new house on Long Island. They had just been in a couple of weeks when their 8-year-old cat, Lily was out, and didn’t come home. Four days went by and then what you see above happened. Lily came home and rang the dang doorbell. I’m a little freaked out by this, I must admit.