That Moment She’ll Want Back
Wow…normally, I don’t even watch the entirety of any State of the Union Address as the partisanship and constant stops, starts, applause, etc. just wears on me.
However, I did watch last night
And I can’t decide if I’m glad I did or not. Before I go any further. This is a non-partisan, strictly Pro-American take. I just want our country to look and be great place that it is at all times.
Look, I GET that we are a divided nation right now. In fact, we are more divided than at any time in my life and honestly, I don’t see it getting any better.
Look, I GET that there are things our President does that annoy many, and do much worse to others.
Look, I GET that he and the Speaker of the House of Representatives are not on each other’s Christmas Card list. It’s no secret.
Look, I GET that President Trump did not shake her hand prior to the SOTU speech (he was wrong to do this, btw).
However, when I see this…
When I see this, I GET my mother’s words echoing in my ears: “When you act like a petulant child, in response to another, you do not elevate yourself or your cause…you sink to their level.”
We all have our moments where we do things we wish we could take back. And make no mistake about it, she’s gonna want this one back. It has been denounced by even her most ardent supporters. Unfortunately for Nancy Pelosi, she did this on the largest of stages, and her moment may prove more costly than she could have anticipated.
Look, I GET that the President’s behavior is, at times, not what I wish, but
I ALSO GET that for things to “get better,” someone has to “be better.”
And that “be better” goes for both sides of the aisle.