Mom Found Cannabis Gummies in Child’s Halloween Candy
A St. Louis mom found cannabis gummies in her 5 year-old’s Halloween candy. Tiffany Burroughs took her three children to a Halloween-themed event last weekend at a restaurant in St. Charles, Missouri. The restaurant hosts monthly car shows, and combined the car show with a trunk-or-treat activity for kids. The restaurant co-owner says the event always draws a good crowd. So, Tiffany’s boys loved attending and wearing their costumes to get candy. As Burroughs’ boys collected their candy, she noticed some gummy worms in a candy bowl. The packaging appeared out of place to her. But, she decided it wasn’t a problem at the moment. And, she planned on checking the candy when they got home anyway. That’s when the mom found the cannabis gummies. Upon further inspection, Tiffany realized this was not just any candy. The package displayed the label “Delta 88 THC.” This is definitely a product meant for adults. The mom contacted police and the host restaurant. Police found no other packages like the ones Burroughs’ kids took home. Authorities believe the incident was simply an accident. They don’t suspect malicious intent. Even though this was probably not on purpose, it could have done harm.
The poison control hotline received more than 2300 calls earlier this year from people experiencing adverse reactions to products containing the same ingredient in the gummy worms. The FDA issued a notice about the products in May. The host of the event said this was the first problem they encountered in 25 years. Tiffany Burroughs says she intends to check all her kids’ candy this Halloween. And, this is a good reminder to all parents to err on the side of caution. Although Halloween is all about the candy, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. So, take a look before the kids dig into their buckets.