Cancer Sucks
Cancer sucks.
I know this comes as no surprise to you, but it needed to be stated as a reminder anyway. Cancer is THE plague that has haunted society for eternity. There’s not one of us who hasn’t been touched in a negative way by its aftermath. Cancer has nearly taken my sister’s life twice. It’s come for a dear co-worker on multiple occasions, and he’s (luckily) been able to beat it back. However, for every “success” story like these, there are countless we can all recite that did not end well.
Cancer sucks.
The reason I’m so riled up about this vile disease today is that it has come to afflict wrath on two very special people. I went to college and was fraternity brothers with two actual brothers. The older of the two was a groomsman in my wedding (and I, in his). I got a text this morning that he has been diagnosed with stage 3 prostate cancer. He’s confident they caught it early enough that his life is (at this point) in no danger. Life has taken us from our native Texas. He’s in Kansas City, I’m in North Carolina. We don’t see each other very often at all. In fact, it’s been ten years. That’s has to and will change. More on that in a second.
Cancer sucks.
The younger brother was my “little brother” in the frat and my roommate. A couple of years after college, we (along with our wives) lived and worked in Augusta, Georgia. We were there for 5.5 years. It was as if our college life just continued (only with adult responsibilities and no classes). His wife became my sister. I was there for the birth of both of their kids. As couples we were very close. Several years ago, she battled pancreatic cancer. If you don’t know, this is not good. Ever. Through radical and invasive surgery and treatment, she was able to get the disease in remission. However, he told me at the time that when (not IF) it came back, it would kill her. Also, this morning, I received a text that her cancer has returned. She has probably months, not years, left.
Cancer sucks.
I share all this with you as a not-so-subtle life reminder. NONE OF US is promised tomorrow. The most fickle mistress man will ever have is time. For years she whispers in your ear that she will never run out on you. Then you wake up one morning and she’s gone. Not even a note left on the pillow. And you’ve lost years that you should have been a better friend, brother, son, etc. Don’t let another sun set that you don’t tell all who you love, how much they mean to you. Find a way to go to them. Spend time. Make memories. None of us knows what tomorrow will bring. And one more thing.
Cancer sucks.