Would You Break Up With A Partner If They Loved This Popular Trend?
Ahhh ’tis the season for all things pumpkin spice. But, does everyone love it? Or, do some think the trend goes overboard? Well, a recent survey from Fire Dept. Coffee indicates people have strong feelings on both sides of the fence. So, how far does the divide go? This survey found that a majority of people say they’d consider breaking up with a partner if they loved the popular trend.
Ok, let’s go back to how it all began. The popular Starbucks pumpkin spice latte burst onto the scene in the fall of 2003. So, that means this year marks the 20th anniversary. And, according to an online search, the data says as of last year, consumers to date bought more than 600 million “PSLs.” In fact, the craze spilled over into everything from doughnuts to candles and lotions to trash bags. Hefty released the scented bags last Fall. And, they sold out. By the way, they make a return in September this year. Plus, Krispy Kreme introduced pumpkin spice doughnut shaped dog biscuits this month.
But, how much is too much? The Fire Dept. Coffee survey says a little more than a third of folks are tired of hearing about the trend. Ten percent say they argued with a friend or family member about the spice. And, 52% of people would consider breaking up with someone if they love pumpkin spice! Wow. I understand having irreconcilable differences. However, that does seem extreme. But, I do know that sometimes the more negative reactions are to a product the more it seems to fuel its popularity. It’s human nature I suppose. We love to hate stuff.
So, if you love the trend that’s great! But, be aware you may have to make sure you look for true love in a like minded PSL soulmate. Or, find one who loves you in spite of your differences. Of course, this is all just for fun. As for me, I enjoy fall and pumpkin spice. And, it hasn’t caused a problem in my home yet! Read the full article for more survey results.