#1 Boomtown In North Carolina Is Probably Not Where You Think
There is one particular suburb in the Tar Heel State that people are taking notice of. The #1 boomtown in North Carolina is probably not where you think.
#1 Boomtown in North Carolina
According to our source, The Charlotte Observer, Apex, North Carolina ranks#1 on the list of towns having changes in the number of people moving there. And their incomes. The study was done by personal wealth website, GoBankingRates. Here is what they wrote on the topic of boomtowns. “Boomtown. The word sounds like it’s describing an explosion — and in a way, it is, Boomtowns are fast-growing cities, due to rapid business and population growth.”
What Makes a Boomtown?
Here’s how the website went about discovering boomtowns. Directly from charlotteobserver.com To create the list of top “boomtowns” in each state, the website said it focused on places with populations between 25,000 and 500,000. Using data from the U.S. government and other sources, it studied trends in housing, income and population growth since 2014.
Apex, North Carolina
So, you might be asking yourself, why Apex? It’s a town southwest of Raleigh and hales about 79,000 residents. And this isn’t the first time they have received praise. WalletHub also named Apex one of the best cities to live. The average income in Apex is reportedly around $55,000 a year, up exponentially in the past ten years.