Horrifying Festival In Spain Returns
At this point, I think it’s fair to ask, “WTH is up with the people of Spain?” Let’s begin with a given. Forever, these people have literally set bulls loose on the streets of Pamplona on an annual basis and THEN run alongside/in front of them with the goal being NOT to get gored/killed. Hello?! the best way to do this? A. Don’t let bulls loose on your streets -and- B. Don’t run with them. However, I digress. I may have found a new reason to be stunned by the Spanish people. Sunday, June 11, marks the return of the annual baby jumping festival in Castrillo de Murcia, Spain. No, you didn’t misread that. And yes, it’s as bizarre as you imagine.
So, here’s the deal. In this bizarre occurrence, grown men, dressed as El Colacho (the devil) jump over tiny babies to ward off bad luck and to cleanse the babies of the evil that infests them when they are born. WHA?! Aren’t we taught at an early age that the most pure we will ever be in mind, body and spirit is when we’re first brought into this world? Apparently, not in Spain. 1. Who believes this? -and- 2. What parent voluntarily puts his/her infant in the middle of this?
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