56% Of People Say This Is The Best Feeling In Their Life!
What is it? Is it having a clean and recently made bed? Or is it hanging with their dog? Maybe a lazy Sunday? Well all of these made the list of the most enjoyable moments in someones life, but you may be surprised what the most popular one was!
According to The Davina Hour, it seems that folks believe the best feeling in their life is to Kiss and Cuddle! At least that is what 56% of people surveyed responded with! I gotta say, I agree! It sure is a good feeling, but there are more!
54% of people say that Laughing is the best feeling in their life. I gotta say, a good deep laugh is surely a great feeling, so once again, I can’t help but agree! 18% of people said that a Lazy Sunday is the best feeling while 30% of people say petting a dog or cat is the best feeling!
I really thought more folks would enjoy a clean bed though, but only 30% of people surveyed said that was the best feeling. Nah, I think that is definitely one of the top 3 best feelings in the world!
Which is your favorite?