Do Chicks Still Dig Guys With Beards?
Are Beards Still Cool? Well I guess it depends, I mean if you are a women, then probably not. But what if you are a guy? Are beards still cool and attractive? According to a new study done by Crown Clinic it seems that girls don’t really dig beards the way they used to!
These days, only 38% of women find beards attractive according to the new study, while 62% of women prefer a man with a clean shave!
Well they may not dig them, but my girlfriend loves mine and thats all that matters to me! Plus if I didn’t have one they would think I’m like 15 years old! After all 45% of men are unable to even grow a full beard.
In the end, who cares. If you can shoot guns, cook on a grill, and change a tire (aka do man stuff) then grow that thing out and be proud!