This Will Make You Think Twice Before Using A Touchscreen At McDonald’s
Ever use one of those convenient new touchscreens to make your McDonald’s order? Well according to a new study from Great Britain, you should probably keep a bottle of hand sanitzer nearby when you order that Big Mac. Metro UK conducted a study that found fecal bacteria on every touchscreen they tested, including potentially dangerous ones like staphylococcus. Even more alarming, the paper observed that most people who ordered with a touchscreen would grab their food without washing their hands first. McDonald’s has responded to the report, saying “Our self-order screens are cleaned frequently throughout the day. All of our restaurants also provide facilities for customers to wash their hands before eating.”
To me, it sounds kinda nasty for sure. Folks just need to make sure they clean their hands after they are done in the bathroom. Didn’t there momma teach them right?
Have you used one of these self-serve touchscreens? Are they more convenient or more confusing?