Alex Trebek’s Long Time Producer Shares The Touching Way He Spent His Last Day
I’ve been leaving this story up to our national writing team here at the radio station but this story touched me so much. I literally could not get through telling the story on the air it is just so sweet. Tanner had to take over for me as he often does when a story stirs up all the feels.
Less than two years after announcing his pancreatic cancer diagnosis, we lost Alex a few days ago. I say “we” because he has been in our homes for 37 seasons of Jeopardy. His kind personality and biting sense of humor had us all feeling like he was part of our family.
As the grief continues over the 80 year olds passing, his longtime producer Mike Richards explains the touching details about Trebek’s last day explaining he spent it exactly how he had hoped and planned.
“He had a swing in his backyard that he loved’ “Even in his book he described that he wanted his final day to be sitting on his swing next to his wife Jean, watching the horizon and he got to do that”. He was coherent and wasn’t in pain and the fact that he had a nice final day makes all of us feel much better”.