Which North and South Carolina Towns Make The Fattest Cities List
Just about everyone I know struggles with weight at some point. In my direct circle of friends we all have been there.
Did any towns in North and South Carolina rate among the “fattest cities in America”?
Well, let’s find out. Wallet Hub is out with a new survey based on 19 metrics (whatever that means)and lists the fattest cities in America. Good news for North Carolina, not one city made the list!! Hurray!
South Carolina, sorry but you pop up a time or two. Greenville, South Carolina came in at #14 and the good ol dirty Myrtle, Myrtle Beach, SC came in at #16. And don’t go giggling over there in Tennessee you also show up too! Knoxville, TN is ranked #10, Chattanooga is #11, Nashville is #20 and Memphis is #2.
The top five fattest cities are : 5) Shreveport, LA 4) Little Rock, AR 3) Baton Rouge, LA 2) Memphis, TN and the fattest city in America is McAllen, Texas