The Top Ten Names Most Likely To Get Right Swiped On Tinder
It is time to get out there again. The pandemic is waning and it has been a long time since you have been on a date.
Often it is your picture that gets attention but it may also be something you are just born with. Tinder is now revealing the top ten names both men and women that gets the most right swipes.
Hey, this may be the easiest way ever to get attention if you happen to be born with one of these names. These names mean strength, success and hotness! Oh hotness is important on dating sites.
Here are the top 10 Women’s Names Most Likely To Get Men To Swipe Right On Tinder:
10: Sara; 9:Anna; 8) Katie; 7) Samantha;6) Rachel; 5)Emily; 4)Julia;3)Lauren;2)Emma and 1) Hannah
The top 10 Men’s Names Most Likely To Get Women To Swipe Right On Tinder
10: Andrew; 9:Adam;8:Ben;7:Justin;6:Brandon;5:Josh;4:Nick; 3:Matthew;2:Ryan;1:Lucas