South Carolina Preacher Gives A Live Sermon Outside His Burning Home
The flames that took over his home were no match for his faith. Sammy Smith is the founder of Grace Cathedral Ministries in Piedmont, South Carolina and he took to social media as the Simpsonville Fire Department worked to contain a fire that had overtaken the second floor of his home.
WYFF is the local news outlet there and says once the flames had subsided the good man of faith had some assuring words. Here is what he said, “It’s Apostle Sammy Smith, standing in front of the ruins of my used be house”, he said in front of his charred and blacked home. “The house is pretty much destroyed but God got us out, the firefighters were wonderful, it’s gonna be all right, ya’ll pray for us”
He goes on to say “It doesn’t matter who you are, it doesn’t matter what you do, tragedy and circumstances can happen”.
No official word on how the fire got started but Smith suspects a busted heated unit is to blame or some sort of electrical issue. He had only been in the home for four years.
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