‘Tis The Season To Re Gift For Christmas
We have all done it. You get that Christmas candle from your Aunt Susan, you know the one with the seashell on it that smells like ocean breeze? Instead of proudly displaying it in your spare bathroom you put it in the closet you go to when you need to re gift.
Personally, I don’t mind a pre owned gift. Last Christmas, Captain Jim gave me a purse that he had given to his wife Anne but she didn’t want it. I had no problem receiving that pre given gift. I use it to this day.
There are a few rules when giving a “preloved’ gift, and you can get the whole list according to The Guardian.
Here are a few: Tell the Truth. Hmmmm I don’t know about this one. Do we REALLY have to confess that the gift we are given is a re gift. I am going to leave this “rule” up to interpretation.
Think about the presentation. Absolutely!! You wrap that gift like you just walked out of a fancy store with it!
and do make sure it is a quality gift!