That Time Jason Aldean Sent Me Flowers
Happy 45th birthday to Jason Aldean. It just seems like yesterday Jason started out in Nashville and we were all just getting to know him. Now of course he is a major country music star with a string of hits, a beautiful family with four kids and big venue tours. But we do remember his humble beginnings and it was right around that time he sent me flowers.
Now why in the world would Jason Aldean be sending Me flowers? There is a perfectly good explanation and it has nothing to do with love and romance. Here is what happened. I guess it was well over ten years ago and Jason was supposed to call Tanner (this was before I was on the morning show) for an interview. Keep in mind, Jason was just starting out. He had been instructed to talk to Tanner so when he called our hotline to talk to Tanner , Tanner was gone for the day. I told Jason I would be happy to talk to him and pass it along to Tanner but he wouldn’t go along with that idea. Now at the time I was highly offended that this young new artist would not be interviewed by me.
So, I went off in a huff and told my boss what happened. Now of course I completely understand that this new guy had been following instructions. But my boss was upset that I was upset by this. The next day I get a beautiful bouquet of flowers, signed by none other than Jason Aldean. All was forgiven but I thought this was a very classy thing to do. Who knows who really sent them? It could have been Jason’s label, it could have been my boss but the card said Jason Aldean and that is what I am going with:)