Video: How Great Thou Art by Carrie Underwood and Vince Gill
I save it to watch every Easter. And every year I share it with you because it is everything Easter is about. Carrie Underwood and Vince Gill performed “How Great Thou Art Together” as part of a program for “ACM’s Girls Night Out” a few years ago and well, something magical happened.
Just thinking about that performance brings me to tears. We all know Carrie is an amazing singer but that night on that stage, God gave her something extra. She knew it, Vince Gill knew it and everyone watching knew it. Her voice and that message brought the biggest stars in Nashville to their feet. Everyone applauded and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
Easter is the holiest of Christian holidays. It is the time of year we acknowledge the fulfillment of the sacrifice that God’s son made to everyone. He took the burden of our sins and sacrificed himself for all of us. Because of that sacrifice and resurrection we can have a personal relationship with God, we can be forgiven, we can spend eternity in the company of God.
Happy Easter and I hope this means as much to you as it does to me.