A South Carolina Woman is $300,000 Richer Thanks To Her Grand Kids
A Grandmother from South Carolina just won over a quarter of a million dollars using the ages of her grandchildren. The lady is from Midlands, South Carolina and she says she would like to keep her identity a secret for now. You do not have to reveal who you are if you win the lottery in the Palmetto State.
She purchased the lottery ticket at a Circle K in Columbia, South Carolina using the numbers 2,4,13,16 and 21. She says she plans to save the money.
To learn more about this story, get all the details from the Charlotte Observer
Should this South Carolina grandmother share some of this with her grandkids? I am sure she will anyway. What would you do if you won all this money? It would be a game changer in your life for sure. I would pay off my mortgage, definitely tithe to my favorite Christian based organization, and give to the people closest to me in my life. And oh, I’d probably “Buy Me A Boat”. And a truck to pull it:)