The Pickle Lovers Dream Valentine Bouquet, A Pickle Bouquet!
For many Valentine’s Day is a big dill, and if you ever find yourself in a pickle about what to get that special someone, ditch the traditional bouquet of flowers and get them a bouquet of pickles.
Grillo’s Pickles is Boston came up with the idea of the pre-made pickle bouquet, and this year they’ve taken it further by showing customers how to make their own. “Not only is a pickle bouquet more beautiful than a dozen red roses, and healthier than a standard box of chocolate, it’s also far more creative,” said Travis Grillo on the bouquet’s popularity. Grillo also says that there are lots of pickle lovers in the world that want to spice things up a bit and the pickle bouquet is just perfect for that very thing.
Would you mind if you got a bouquet of pickles for Valentine’s Day? Would you like to learn how to make your own pickle bouquet?