Free or Nearly Free Things To Do In and Around Charlotte
If you are like me it seems like the bills take up most of the paycheck but we still want to have fun! Even taking a family of four to a movie could cost up to a hundred bucks. Luckily for us there are lots of things to do that are free or nearly free in and around Charlotte.
I love to get outdoors and there are lots of parks around here that I absolutely love. You can do as much or as little as you like in the park from taking a picnic to loading up the horses and riding the trails. Most parks in our area are friendly towards, hikers, bikers and horseback riders and most cost nothing or next to nothings to access. I go to Kings Mtn State Park very regularly and also really love South Mtn State Park, Crowders Mtn, Moses Cone and Croft State Park.
Here are more ideas for things to do both inside and out of doors that are very affordable. Get out and enjoy!