Movie and Television Shows Roaring Back Into North Carolina
It used to be fairly common here in Charlotte and really anywhere in North Carolina. You might see Claire Danes in Southend taping Homeland or Gwyneth Paltrow filming at Fuel Pizza on East Blvd. In Cleveland County, you might find Jennifer Lawrence munching on some good old Shelby Pizza making the Hunger Games. You get the idea, movies were made here.
Then, North Carolina faced a few setbacks from HB2 to changes in tax relief for filmmakers. Now, North Carolina is back in the movie-making business with a fury. Seven film and television shows are in production right now! So why our state? North Carolina is home to mountains and beaches and glorious temperatures most of the year and this is ideal for the TV and film industry.
Not only is it great for our state for the movie business to get cranked up again but it is also great for people who want to get into the business. There will be opportunities for people who want to become extras in the entertainment business.