Happiness Is Mainly In Your Genes
That’s my sweet girl, Winnie. She is Always happy, unless you won’t give her whatever it is you are eating and then she gets pushy. There is a new study that says human happiness is significantly determined at birth.
Ok, so I have a funny story about this. My Mom and Dad were in their mid forties when I was born and they say I smiled ALL the time when I was a baby. They said I smiled when I woke up, when I was hungry, wet, sleepy, it didn’t matter. They thought I might have been “slow” so they had me tested. “No Ma’am said the doctor, what you have here is a happy baby”.
According to new science, 40% of human happiness is a result of good genes. Having joyous DNA doesn’t promise happiness, the nature has to be nurtured. Psychologists say happiness is still a choice and it is completely possible to rewire our brains for happiness.