PlayStation 5
I went out to Hobby Lobby to grab a few Command Strips and got so distracted by all the shiny glitter of Christmas. I started chatting with my coworker about that excursion and he proceeded to share his son’s Christmas list, and guess what’s on it? It seems the hot gift this year for children AND adults is the PlayStation 5. My jaw dropped when he told me how much they cost. Yep, some are going for as much as 800 dollars, but that’s with video games included. This gaming system is so in demand that in certain stores like GameStop, and Best Buy, they have police escorts when you pick up your gaming system.
When the PlayStation 4 dropped back in 2014, there were reports of theft, and assaults that took place IN THE PARKING LOT after many consumers purchased their systems. Yes, people, it’s that serious! For people my age, we never dealt with these issues with the Atari 2600 or Nintendo. You could purchase those gaming systems for a whopping $99 and $199 and go about your day. We played Pac Man, Ms. Pac Man, Duck Hunt, and Super Mario for hours. The PlayStation 5 drops tonight at midnight. Be careful, be safe, and enjoy. AND, if you’ve got that much money to shell out for a game system how about helping some of the new homeless folks you see at your exit going home.