The World’s Oldest Man Credits THIS For His Long Life
We get stories almost everyday about people who are breaking age barriers. People are living longer and longer and almost every person that lives to a long age has an explanation about how they got there.
Emilio Marquez of Puerto Rico has become the world’s oldest living man at 112 years old. Some claim to be older but his age is certified by people who do that sort of thing. Now normally people say..”oh I had a glass of whiskey every night before bed” or something like that but not sweet Emilio.
He credits his long life to love. “My dad raised me with love and taught me to love everyone. He always told me and my brothers and sisters to do good, to share everything with others. Besides Christ lives in me”.
Emilio practices what he preaches. He was married for 74 years and has four children. He was also one of 11 siblings.
Meet the amazing Emilio right here: