A Gastonia Nursing Student Hailed As A Hero For Saving Someone At Olive Garden
A nursing student from Gaston County is being called a hero after saving a choking employee at Olive Garden. Joyce Floyd and some of her students were dining at the place when an employee ran to their table and expressed that another employee was choking on food in the kitchen.
The employee was too tall for the nursing instructor to do the procedure herself so she asked Madeline Hare to do it. According to Channel 9, Madeline performed the life saving maneuver perfectly and the food flew out of the employee’s mouth. I am guessing Madeline gets an A in that class and possibly a free lasagna .
Have you ever been called on to do the Heimlich? I was once. When I was still in college and dating my now husband, his Dad got choked. Despite the fact that he was 6’2 and I’m 5’5 I was able to help him out.
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