The City Of Charlotte Is Going To Look A Lot Different Thanks To A New State Law
I have to admit. This scares me a little bit. According to Channel 9, a new state law has decriminalized many of the city ordinances in Charlotte and police no longer have to enforce them.
In September, Governor Roy Cooper reportedly signed into law legislation that makes some city ordinances obsolete. So how will this effect you if you live in the Charlotte city limits. It may, and plenty. The following things will no longer be criminally punishable : Playing loud music, panhandling, littering, trespassing and also animal abuse.
So this begs the question, if it’s no longer punishable to litter, how is the city going to look in six months? A year? A decade? And the most disturbing thing is the animal abuse decriminalization. I need to know more and Channel 9 has all the facts. You can get all the information right here.