Video:Charlotte School Teacher Smoking In The Classroom?
An 8th grader at Randolph Middle School in Charlotte thought something smelled funny. But it took a second for it to register that it was cigarette smoke. What student would dare smoke in school? Apparently it wasn’t a student, it was a teacher.
The teacher reportedly stood in the doorway puffing away while students were present, reportedly blowing smoke in a students face. The teacher allegedly flicked the cigarette in the direction of another student.
This is beyond strange for a variety of reasons. I have questions. Is this teacher having some sort of nervous breakdown? Was the teacher doing some kind of social experiment to see how quickly this would go viral. Or did the teacher just feel like lighting up, rules be damned? Looking forward to getting more information on this. Get details on what we know now from YahooNews
There are some many wonderful teachers out there. We love you all and are so grateful for everything you do! Today is World Teacher Appreciation Day~