Voting In 2024 Presidential Election
Some citizens are choosing to take their vote to the Polls in the 2024 election. If you are, mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 2024. The elected winner will serve a term of four years in the White House, but they won’t take on their duties untilĀ January 2025. If you’re wondering about ID, check out VoteRiders, they’re a non-partisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that voter ID laws do not prevent any eligible voters from casting a ballot due to voter ID laws. Many times during voting season there is a lack of acceptable ID, or indirectly because of voter confusion. VoteRiders educates voters and assists citizens to secure their voter ID, with all services provided free of cost.
If you haven’t voted in a while and considered an inactive voter you’re still a registered voter. If you have an inactive status you’ll be asked to confirm your address when heading to the Polls to vote. No special document is required.
Always do your research before going to the Polls on November 5, 2024
Another nonpartisan actor is The Pew Research Center. It’s a think tank based in Washington, D.C. providing information on social issues, public opinion, and demographic trends shaping the United States and the world. According to the Pew Research Center, over 25 million noncitizens were living in the U.S. as of 2020. Including around 12 million permanent residents and 2 million temporary residents who were in the country with legal permission, as well as approximately 11 million immigrants who resided in the country without legal permission.