Uptown Charlotte About To Get It’s First Publix
The Charlotte Uptown is about to get another high-rise
The new building will be built between 9th and 10th street.
It will be a 15-story tower called ‘Ten Tryon’ and will include uptown Charlotte’s first Publix grocery store.
Here is what Axiom Architecture says “Ten Tryon will be a catalytic new mixed-use development on North Tryon Street in Uptown Charlotte. Armada Hoffler Development and Centro Cityworks are partnering to create a building that spans the full block between 9th and 10thStreets. Three levels of parking above a ground floor grocery store anchor the buildings base. Atop the parking is an expansive terrace that will serve as an elevated urban park between a signature restaurant space and a ten story office tower. In total, the new building will rise 15 stories above street level and aims to bring new life to this portion of Uptown.”
Awesome! They expect it to be completed by 2022