Do We Love Our Pets More Than Our Significant Others?
I think Catherine can relate to this new study when it comes to her pretty girl, Winnie…
According to a new study, dog owners take more photos of their pets than of their significant others. Does it mean they love their pups more than their partners?! Well, not necessarily. In a survey of 54 million U.S. dog owners, 65 percent admitted to snapping more pics of their pooches than of their human partners. And half of them confessed they’d rather spend a week away from their lover than a week away from their dog, according to
“Dog people are deeply concerned about their dog’s feelings and well-being,” says’s Brandie Gonzales. “And we’re seeing that reflected in everything from how people name their dog to what they feed them, and the type of pet care they prefer.” But I mean, in Catherine’s defense…how could you resist taking pictures of this sweet face: