Looking Back At The Day Debbie Said, “I Do”
Earlier this week, I posted the above “Then and Now” picture on the station’s Facebook Page. 28 years. Wow, it truly does seem like just yesterday it was February 5, 1994, at the West Hill Church of Christ, Corsicana, Texas. I was the luckiest man in the world then, and that hasn’t changed. I was a guest on a friend’s podcast last week and was asked a question we get all the time: how have you guys been able to make it work? How have you been able to live and work together all these years (we’ve been doing the radio show together for the last 27 years). The smarta**, flippant answer is, “We’re contractually obligated.” The real answer is, she’s my best friend. She was before we were married, and she still is today. Has it always been easy? No. Have we ALWAYS had each other to lean on for support? Yes. I saw a meme the other day that said, “Life is not about where you’re going or where you’ve been, but rather who you share the journey with.” I could not agree more. Speaking of “where you’ve been,” here are some memories of that day 28 years ago when Debbie took my hand, and away we went.