Possible Moonshine Cave Found Under Historic North Wilkesboro Speedway Grandstand
Wow, we learn something jaw dropping every day. But, nothing as unbelievable as a discovery made by crews in North Wilkesboro. ABC 11 reports a possible moonshine cave found under the historic North Wilkesboro Speedway Grandstand.
Moonshine Cave Found Might Confirm Longtime Rumors
Now, for many years whispers circulated about the site possibly housing a still. And, that would not surprise me given North Carolina’s storied history of moonshining. In fact, my husband’s family loves to tell stories of their own dabbling in the art of moonshining in the North Wilkesboro area in the 1900s. However, my mother-in-law likes to keep that on the down low. But, hearing that crews think a possible moonshine cave found its way to the light of day doesn’t surprise me.
Possible Moonshine Cave Found
So, here’s what happened last week that led to the unearthing of the possible moonshine cave found under the grandstand. Apparently, officials indicate what looks like a 700 foot moonshine cave found during an inspection and cleaning of the grandstand. According to ABC 11, after finding cracks in section ‘N’ toward turn 1 and working to repair damage, the massive cave became visible.
And, in a press release from Steve Swift, Senior Vice President of Operations and Development at Speedway Motorsports, Swift pointed out the space or possible moonshine cave found would have been a perfect location for production and hiding from prying eyes. However, an actual still is not present all these years later.
What’s Next After The Moonshine Cave Discovery
But, what comes next? Well, NASCAR All-Star Race Week is coming in May. And, with 600 seats removed, staff will be working to get repairs completed in an area that Swift says are “some of the best views of the track.”
North Carolina’s History Of Moonshining
So, concerning the history of moonshining in North Carolina, it’s rich with tall tales and plenty of legit and colorful stories. And, although we know North Carolina as the Tar Heel State, some often referred to it as ‘The Moonshine Capital of the World.’ Plus, ‘american stories’ tells us farmers and settlers reportedly used corn crops to make the high proof liquor early on.
North Carolina’s remote areas were just the ticket for secret production of the illegal substance. And, the description of ‘fiercely independent and resourceful’ moonshiners describes my husband’s family to a tee. And, of course, the practice reportedly continued in the state even after prohibition was repealed in 1933. As you might imagine, taxes and regulations became a bother many wanted to avoid.
Plus, the article from ‘American Stories’ even goes on to discuss the moonshine connection with NASCAR. After all, fast cars help when you need a quick getaway. And, anyone in this region is certainly familiar with Wilkes County native and NASCAR driver Junior Johnson, who spent time in prison for moonshining.
So, it’s really not a stretch in North Wilkesboro to make a connection from a large cavernous space under the track to a possible moonshine cave found! It’s pretty fascinating. So, we’ll keep you posted on what unravels.