If You Wonder What A Great Lady’s Life Looks Like
Okay, so where to start with this. I’d be lying if I told you that the last week has been nothing but joy. The passing of Debbie’s mom has been never far from our thoughts.
As fate would have it, we had already scheduled to be away for a few days last week, and that trip with friends to the beach could not have been more necessary, welcome, or cathartic.
We would like to thank ALL OF YOU who reached out, sent messages, and prayed for us. I cannot tell you how much it means to Debbie and to be to discover that as much as we considere YOU as family, apparently that door swings both ways.
This will be the last time I will write about this, but I felt it necessary for two reasons: 1. to express our heartfelt gratitude and 2. to share with you a really neat photo/video put together by our nephew’s wife, Amy Beal.
If you wanna get an idea about what Debbie’s mom was all about, here it is in a word: family. Look at how she loved and how loved she was.
We should all strive to have a life that can be summed up in images like these.
Again, our never-ending thanks to you. Our hearts have been touched beyond words