Most Sour World Record Of All Time
I think the first time I became aware of “World Records” was when, as a little boy, I was watching a rerun of “The Brady Bunch” where Bobby and Cindy tried to set a new teeter-totter record.
Later, in elementary school, each year the book fair would come around and I’d ALWAYS get the latest “Guinness Book of World Records.” It was thousands of pages long and I was fascinated by some of them.
This fascination has never ceased. Which leads us today to Idaho’s David Rush.
Rush has broken more than 100 world records.
Recently, he set a new one when he drank a liter of lemon juice through a straw in under 17 seconds. He beat the old record by a little more than half a second.
In case you were wondering, Rush got sick and vomited after drinking the juice. Somehow, they left this little tidbit out of the video <g>