Garth Teases Return Of Chris Gaines-And I’m All For It
It is generally regarded as the biggest fiasco in Garth Brooks’ otherwise, fiasco-free career. The name “Chris Gaines,” became a punchline in some circles for many years.
And that’s a shame.
The music was and is great. The above pic is my CD. The music has never not been on my phone.
And it’s been out of print for years. But not for long.
First let me back up for those that don’t know or remember. In 1999, Garth Brooks signed to do a movie called, “The Lamb.” The plot was ingenious. A record company, desperate for money, “kills” off an aging star on its roster to increase interest in his back catalog, increase sales, and therefore create a much-needed new revenue stream. The quotes are used because it was going to be ambiguous if the character of Chris Gaines was actually killed, or his death was faked. I know. Sounds interesting, right?
To create a buzz and interest for this movie, Garth (as Chris Gaines) released a “Greatest Hits” album, before the script was even finished. The problem? This was not the Garth Brooks country music that his fans had come to know and love. No, Chris Gaines was kind of a rock/country/alternative hybrid.
Fans were beyond confused. They thought Garth was abandoning country and trying to be someone else, it was crazy. It was as if NO ONE paid attention to the fact that this was for a movie at all. Totally bizarre.
Anyway, the album bombed (selling only 700,000 copies, Garth’s previous album “Sevens” sold 10 million). The movie company got spooked. The project was canceled.
Not only that, but the music has all but disappeared. I mentioned that the original CD has been unavailable for years, but it’s vacuous presence in the world is deeper than that. Go on YouTube and just try to find Garth/Chris singing: “Lost in You,” “Digging For Gold,” “It Don’t Matter To The Sun,” or “Driftin’ Away.”
In fact, I’ll bet you thought “It Don’t Matter To The Sun” was a Garth/not Chris song. It’s the most “normal” sounding song on the record, was featured prominently in the movie “For Love Of The Game,” and is performed by the man often in concert. Other than that, it’s as if the whole thing never happened.
Then, two years ago Donald Glover’s alter-ego/side project “Childish Gambino” released this cover of “Lost in You.”
Since then, there’s been a slow-building buzz for Chris Gaines’ music. And now, it will soon see the light of day again. Garth has announced a re-release of the project-including some un-released tracks.
I can’t wait.
I can’t wait to not only hear those songs, but to see if the music as a whole is thought of much differently some 22 years after it failed to resonate.
I will not be surprised if it does. Like I said. The music was/is great. The marketing idea was not, and therefore the songs were drowned out by the confusing outrage.
Perhaps the true life story of what happened to the project would make a better movie than the original “Lamb” idea?