If You Thought Wearing Masks Was Controversial Before-Just Wait
NC Governor Roy Cooper is expected to step to his dictatorial pandemic podium <g> at 3 this afternoon to issue the latest state guidance on mask wearing. I know, right? We thought those were out of our lives. Well, with the rise in cases due to Covid-19’s Delta Variant, the CDC has now advised mask wearing indoors again-even for the vaccinated. And that’s where the trouble is going to start. And the arguments on both sides of this issue are valid.
Look let’s face it, if you have chosen NOT to be vaccinated at this point, you’re not going to. And that is your right and your choice. And we all should respect that. That being said, the vast majority of cases needing hospitalization in the country from the new variant are from the un-vaccinated. And the vaccinated are being told the primary reason for wearing masks is to protect those people (asymptomatic transference of infection). So, the argument from those who have had the vaccine is, “Wait a minute, I’ve done what’s been recommended. Why are my rights to freedom from masks being dictated by those that haven’t? They’ve made their choice and they can live with it.” And you are correct. And your grievance needs to be respected. That’s what is so controversial here…there is no black and white, just a big ol batch of grey area. And as with most grey areas, there is no clear cut solution. Here is my fear. The anger that’s been bubbling under the surface for the last 16 months over the disruption to our lives, coupled with the fight over mask-wearing in schools, could come flooding out. And this kind of escalated rage could get very dangerous, very quickly, and that will be no good for anyone. I hope that for once, Governor Cooper takes politics completely out of the equation and listens, really listens to a lot of different people to try to come up with an equitable solution for all of North Carolina’s citizens. That being said, I’m not certain that solution exists.