Even The Birds Are Now Pooping On The President
Not long ago, I wrote here about how awful our 2022 has been so far (btw-still waiting on the turn for the better). In the blog I expressed how there’s no doubt that others have/have had it worse. One person who definitely falls into this category is President Joe Biden. Now before some of you freak out, this is not political. These are just facts. Inflation is at a 41-year-high. We’re ALL feeling pain at the pump like never before in our lifetime(s). And these things have happened while he’s sitting in the Oval Office. And when you sit in that chair-whether you like it or not-you get the credit or the blame for what happens (good or bad) in the country. I think it’s safe to say that some are very dissatisfied with President Biden’s administration thus far. Apparently, this extends to the animal kingdom as well.
Some jokes just write themselves. Are you kidding me? Now even the birds are pooping on POTUS?! In fact, this is so easy, no one should even touch the joke(s) as it makes you look like a hack <g>.