What is North and South Carolina’s Favorite Christmas Cookie?
Are you a fan of Christmas cookies? I enjoy Christmas cookies just like anyone else, honestly, Christmas cookies are good just about any time of the year. But, there are some people that enjoy a certain type of Christmas cookie each and every year. It becomes their tradition to bake up a certain type of cookie to kick off the holiday season. Christmas is almost here, so maybe it’s time to get baking if you have not already.
USA Today released their best Christmas cookies in every state for the holiday season this year. This year, Google Trends shared information with USA Today to determine the best cookie in each state. Of course, the cookies vary by each state for various amount of reasons. From cultural cookies to traditional cookies, there are so many options to enjoy throughout the holidays. From gingerbread, sugar, peanut butter, and more! People enjoy plenty of Christmas cookie options throughout the holidays and it brings that complete holiday cheer. So, what are the top cookies for the Carolinas? For North Carolina, our top Christmas cookies are Moravian Cookies. They are a traditional German cookie that has spices and molasses. Which sounds pretty good to me even though I have never had them. The other half of the Carolinas took a more traditional route. South Carolina, they are a big fan of gingerbread cookies. Which of course are a more traditional route but they are always tasty!
Are you wondering what the other states are enjoying during the holiday season. Check out the full list here to see what other states may be a big fan of. You can try out some new recipes for these cookies too.